Peace of Mind
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Amethyst increases the activity in the right brain, cuts through illusion, and helps to
develop the psychic abilities. It strengthens and develops intuition, inspiration, healing, and channeling as well as raising thoughts and aspiration. When worn, amethyst will alleviate migraines. Headaches caused by nerves will subside when a amethyst cross section or geode is placed in the room. It is also used to help improve concentration. Amethyst calms mental disorders, purifies the blood, strengthens the immune system as well as balancing and healing all chakras. People who regularly wear an amethyst necklaces are said to fascinate others with their personality and charisma.

Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity. It balances mind body and spirit. Snowflake obsidian will calm and soothe and allow you to view unhealthy patterns in your own behavior, thus opening the door to change. Obsidian draws hidden imbalances to the surface and releases them. The blackness of this stone enhances the ability to reach your inner self. It is one of the earliest known stones to be used for seeing into the future. Snowflake obsidian is used by healers to relieve muscle cramps. It is considered a good detoxification stone.

Jade is considered one of the most important symbols of purity and serenity. It is also revered as an ancient symbol of love. The Maoris regard Jade as a stone that brings luck, especially specimens that are dark olive-green in color. The ancient Chinese felt that Jade helps to inspire the mind to make quick and precise decisions. The ancient trader would often hold this gem in the palm of his right hand while he engaged in business transactions.
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The main property of Turquoise is to reconcile all hostile forces, to stop quarrels, to establish peace in the family, to take away anger. It strengthens intuition, increases independence. Gives ambition, bravery, an insight and a constancy. Draws positive influences, energy, emotion. It was worn for protection against a lightning. According to eastern legend, the one who looked at Turquoise in the morning, all the day long will be care-free. In the Middle Ages people believed that if woman wishes to win over a man, she should secretly sew in a piece of Turquoise in his clothes.